Re-Introducing: Who are Rachel Economy & Re-Story the World?

Re-Introducing: Who are Rachel Economy & Re-Story the World?

Meet the Heart of my Business &
Find Out How You Can Create More Just & Joyful Worlds Starting NOW!

Hello new and old friends alike!

If you’re new here, welcome. I’m Rachel Economy, and this is Re-Story the World, the heart and hub of my business, the place where I share creative, unexpected, world-re-making offerings with all of you longing for a better world!

It’s a new season here at Re-Story, with a bunch of new offerings that I know you’re going to love over the coming year, so I wanted to take a moment to re-introduce you to each other. This post is for all of you who look at my site or my socials and think, “wow, so much cool stuff going on, but…what do you actually DO? And how does it help me?”

Great question.

I make worlds.

The heart of my business / offerings in the world is simple: I LOVE making, re-making, and co-making delightful, thriving, liberation-filled worlds TODAY. In small and big ways.

I believe every interaction, every day of your life has boundless possibilities in it to create (and co-create in community!) the world you need, the life you need, the workplace you need, the landscape you need. And I believe that you, yes you, even if you think you’ve never “created” anything, can imagine and design and make those wild wondrous worlds into reality.

Right now.

Your daily life, ecosystems, and communities, can feel better, can act more like the future world you are longing for, NOW.

I refuse to sit and watch as more and more innately creative and collaborative humans (you) are convinced by the status quo that you are not world-writers. I refuse to sit by as more and more of you precious dear ones are worn down and oppressed by institutions forcing daily lives on you that are so mismatched with the worlds you long for, they grate on your soul and harm your body. No more.

No. No way. Not on my watch.

So. I make worlds. And I absolutely love it.

I re-imagine and remake them, using my longings, my values, my curiosities, my collaborations. And my skills.

But guess what?

We humans are always both witnessing, experiencing, and writing the world. You’re doing it no matter what.

But it matters how you do it. It matters that you do it with conscious, creative care for yourself, your body, your human communities, and your ecological communities. It matters that we do our world-writing in ways that offer to ourselves and others: repair and reparation for past pain, intervention in and solidarity-in-survival of present systems, and imagination and implementation of a good future. Now.

If we want to change our world (and we’ve gotta change it if we want to stick around in it), we have to become on-purpose world-writers.

We have to make our homes, our gardens, our routines, our workplaces, our communities, into good worlds. Worlds that actually enact and embody, in their daily design and activity, the liberation, thriving, and joy that human and more-than human ecosystems need so terribly right now.

That is the heart of my business. That is why I am here: to, in collaboration with my human and ecological communities, re-story the world.

That means you. Let’s create better worlds for ourselves. Together. Now

How are we gonna do it?

That’s where I come in.*

We’re gonna re-write the world by keeping our imagination muscles alive even when the status quo is so threatened by them that it tries to kill them: that’s why I offer Writing Workshops & Retreats, and Poetry & Public Speaking. And remember, you’re already a world-writer, so yes, these writing workshops are for YOU! Healing the past, surviving the present / being companions with ourselves and the land amidst climate catastrophe and increasing injustice / imagining good futures so they stay possible (in spite of how hard and vulnerable it is to imagine in the face of everything): all of these things take IMAGINATIVE RESILIENCE. Imagination is a radical muscle. Keeping it alive, in community, with a strongly held, ritual and kind creative container, is essential. Come to a writing workshop. It will change your imaginative life. Buy a chapbook or a zine of my poetry. It will feed your soul.

We’re also gonna make better worlds by re-designing and re-imagining how we work, making more pleasurable, liberatory, values-embodying systems and cultures at our organizations and companies. Without intentional design, business-as-usual takes over in the ways we work. And when it comes to changing the world, business-as-usual is the exact opposite of what we want! That’s why I offer group facilitation, professional development training, and design process coaching for progressive teams, companies, organizations, and even individuals. So get ready to re-design your internal practices to match your mission. Through team workshops, group design sessions, individual and small-group coaching, and custom consulting, I’ll teach and guide you to re-imagine and re-design your ways of working. Soon, you’ll have a vibrant workplace that embodies that thriving world you work so hard to create.

We’re gonna make the world better by re-joining our ecosystems as collaborators, not dominators, by working as seed-starters and biodiversity participants. By undoing the separation between human and ecology in hands-on, delightful, delicious ways. That’s why I design edible ecological gardens for your home or business, and why I teach accessible ecological gardening, farming, and land-based skills to those who want to dig in with their own hands (or feet, or whatever works best for you). We make the worlds we need, literally, every day, in the soil, in the kitchen, in the craft room, in the yard, in our water systems, in our waste systems. We heal ourselves (there’s scientific data on this) when we interact with soil, plants, animals. We are ecological beings. Our culture and systems in the west interrupt and separate. When we reconnect and reintegrate through gardening and other land-based skills, we are practicing the next world now. We are working to heal the past by building soil and planting plants and giving land back to indigenous peoples. We are surviving with pleasure in the present - food is life. And we are keeping skills and ways of living alive for a better future: our children’s children’s children will know these things.

And finally, we’re gonna make the world better by NOT MAKING MORE STUFF. We’ve got enough stuff. We don’t need to mine anything else, we don’t need to create any new non-biodegradeable objects. This dovetails nicely with my favorite, empowering way to make your world more pleasurable, more thriving, more nourishing, even if you are, like me, disabled, and often stuck in one living or sleeping space: beauty and accessibility in our homes. Joy in our objects. Matter is sacred. It cycles. When we interrupt those cycles by attempting to make permanent objects, or creating things that become static “waste” rather than decomposing to feed back into the cycle, we get devastating pollution of our bodies and the world body. Join me in my joyful worship of matter! This is why I offer two shops, one that sells my handmade crafts and my poetry chapbooks, and one that sells beautiful, affordable vintage and thrifted home goods. Make your world better immediately, without breaking the bank, even if you’re exhausted. Keep that sacred matter cycling. Honor its history. Love yourself with the way you set up your space.

So that’s the long and short of it. I make worlds. Thriving, joyful, liberatory worlds. Worlds based on my needs and the needs of those around me, both human and more-than-human. And I help you make worlds that make life good, for you, your community, your ecology. How do I do it? I design ecological, next-world gardens for your home or business, and teach you how to care for, cook from, and craft with them. I facilitate group processes, lead professional development trainings, and do design-process coaching to make organizational and individual work worlds way better, matching mission and values with daily practice. I teach writing workshops for you, share poetry performances for events and organizations, and do public speaking at conferences and corporations, to get your radical imagination muscles moving and grooving (and healing). And I curate and craft lovely, affordable, art, home goods, and poetry books to make your home into a world full of pleasure and re-connect it to the sacred cycling of matter.

Have questions? Excited to work together? Want to keep in touch? I love it! You can comment here, or contact me to chat. Better yet, you can join for this fall and winter’s amazing writing and ritual workshops. You can set up a garden consult. You can hire me as a facilitator, trainer, or coach. I promise you, together, we’re going to start writing and building better worlds. Right now. Because you need better worlds, more pleasurable worlds, more accessible worlds, better designed worlds, more thriving worlds, more liberatory worlds, more needs-meeting worlds, more values-enacting worlds. And you need them now.

Love and gratitude,
Rachel the Re-Storyer

*There are many amazing next-world practitioners and teachers out there, with amazing specialties in everything from harm-reduction, to speculative fiction, to transformative justice and non-carceral accountability, to solar energy visionaries, and beyond. I will continue to highlight, uplift, and share their voices on my channels and with my clients, so if you’re ever looking for specialized next-world support that isn’t among my offerings, reach out and I’ll see if I can point you in a helpful direction!

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